本篇文章给大家谈谈端午节英文怎么说,以及端午节 用英文怎么说对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。
端午节用英语怎么写 端午节用英语怎读
1、端午节用英文表达为Dragon Boat Festival,读音为[ˈdræɡən] [boʊt] [ˈfestɪvl]。
2、端午节是中国民间的传统节日。Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival.
3、端午节为每年农历五月初五。Dragon Boat Festival is the fifth day of May in the lunar calendar every year.
4、端午节始于中国的春秋战国时期,至今已有2000多年历史。The Dragon Boat Festival began in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in China, and has a history of more than 2000 years.
端午节的英文怎么写 端午节的英文如何写
1、端午节的英文:the Dragon Boat Festival
2、读法:英 [ðə ˈdræɡən bəʊt ˈfestɪvl],美 [ðə ˈdræɡən boʊt ˈfestɪvl]。
3、例句:The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. 端午节是在每年的农历五月初五。
端午节 ,为每年农历五月初五,又称端阳节、午日节、五月节、龙舟节、浴兰节等。是流行于中国以及汉字 文化 圈诸国的 传统文化 节日。端午节自古便有食粽、饮雄黄久不息。受中华文化的影响, 中秋节 也是汉字文化圈国家以及世界各地华人华侨的传统节日。那么你知道端午节用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。
Dragon-boat Festival
The Dragon Boat Festival
端午节的相关 短语 :
端午节俗 Custom of Dragon Boat Festival
在端午节 at the Dragon Boat Festival
端午节的由来 Origin of Dragon Boat Festival
1. The Miao Dragon Boat Festival differs from the Han celebration.
2. The Dragon Boat Festival is one of three major Chinese holidays, along with the Spring and Moon Festivals.
端午节是三个中国主要节日之一,另两个是 春节 和中秋节。
3. Well, there are Dragon Boat Festival, Mid - autumn Festival , Chung Yeung Festival and so on.
嗯, 还有端午节 、 中秋节 、 重阳节 等等.
4. KaKa tried to find out much more about the Dragon Boat Festival.
5. Li Mei, when is Dragon Boat Festival?
李梅, 端午节在什么时间?
6. Lantern Festival and Dragon Boat Festival.
元宵节 和端午节.
7. Then I suppose that Dragon Boat Festival has something to do with boats?
8. Boat Festival is in June. We watch boat races.
端午节在六月. 我们会看赛龙周比赛.
9. Chinese people like to eat zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival.
10. May : Yes ! Actually, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon!
有 呀! 实际上, 端午节就快到了!
11. Zongzi is an essential food of the Dragon Boat Festial.
12. It is Duanwu Festival today, would you like some Zongzi?
今天是端午节, 来点粽子 吗 ?
13. We eat rice dumplings at the Dragon Boat Festival.
14. The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival has a history over two thousand years.
15. And his deep footprint brand the Dragon Boat Festival of Chinese.
端午节的英语怎么说 端午节的英语如何说
1、端午节的英语说法:the Dragon Boat Festival。
2、汉英大词典:the Dragon Boat Festival (the 5th day of the 5th lunar month) (本名“端五”)。
3、端午节, 中国传统节日,农历五月初五日。相传古代爱国诗人屈原在这天投江自杀,后人为了纪念他,把这天当做节日,有吃粽子、划龙舟等风俗。
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